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The idea of the Seal Of Sovereignty came to me at the very end of writing The Essential Revolution, just before the book went to print. I envisioned it displayed everywhere from personal and corporate websites to restaurants, to stores, to film, to print, throughout the arts and everywhere in between. When you see the seal, you’ll know you are supporting and are aligned with like-minded, sovereign people embracing their right to freedom of speech and their offerings.  You will hear more about it in the second and third book expanding out into the real world.


“Let this symbol stand for your right to live free of oppression. Know that where you see it, freedom of thought, expression, and positive oriented action is not only protected but promoted. It represents the intrinsic Light that you and all other awakened beings are shrouded in. Viva la revolución!"

            (Excerpt from the book "The Essential Revolution Series")

"Mike McGinnis is for the spiritual movement that Rick Rubin's been to music for the last 30 years. He does the work, observes, creates, and repeats the cycle. Like Rubin, Mike has a more subtle way of creating and sharing these big ideas because he's so radically present with what is. His work is a tuning fork for a generation.''   -Jake Sasseville, CEO Imiloa Institute



Michael McGinnis, Jr., AKA The Jungle Writer, author of Book One, The Essential Revolution, and Book Two, The Invitation, has dedicated his life to the awakening of humanity on a global level. Through extensive self-study and first-hand experience, Mike has been gifted to serve as a channel for the words the world needs to hear at the most crucial moment in history.


Mike had his first transformational experience in his early twenties at a personal development seminar in California. There, he discovered that he'd formed all of the limitations in his life through the words of victimhood that looped throughout his subconscious mind.


Now liberated, this law-breaking high-school dropout turned his life around and moved to Central America, where he succeeded as an entrepreneur, big wave surfer, and quarter-mile race car driver. All this while moonlighting as the unofficial sheriff of the small town he helped develop.


Still haunted by an unfulfilled void, Mike fell into a suicidal depression, leading him to his second transformative revelation that there was nothing that could make him happy as the fulfillment he was seeking resides inherently within.


Seven years later, during a devastating separation, Mike had yet another transformational, this time heart-expanding experience. Afterward, he fully surrendered to living in service while assisting others, ready to shift towards introspection and Self-realization.


Currently, Mike is collaborating on a reforestation-backed crypto coin and the building of a conscious community while readying himself to transmit Book Three of The Essential Revolution, The Summoning.


He enjoys a private life while living in nature and loves music, art, animals, and all life on Earth.

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